A Response Letter from the Maine Pagan Clergy Association.
A recent letter (An Open Letter to the Pagan and Greater Communities) was posted to various Maine Pagan websites regarding the illegal and unethical activities of one of our community’s leaders. This letter was one to which many members of the Maine Pagan Clergy Association affixed their names.
While the individual in question is not a member of the Maine Pagan Clergy Association, we believe it important to hold each other accountable, and to address issues impacting the well-being of our shared communities.
We, as a non-profit organization, have no say regarding the operations and decisions of other organizations. What we do take a stand on is the expectation that all Pagan leaders, and especially those in positions of authority, be held to a high standard of ethical behavior. (https://mainepaganclergy.org/statement-of-ethics/)
From the MPCA Board of Directors