Approved by the Board of Directors.
- The name of this organization shall be the Maine Pagan Clergy Association (MPCA).
- The purpose of this organization shall be: To provide support and information for those functioning as Pagan clergy in Maine. This may include such projects as: establishing standards for licensure and ordination for Pagan clergy in Maine; providing support for Pagan clergy and those performing leadership or ministerial duties; offering regular meetings at which clergy and members may meet and learn from one another; facilitating positive relationships with other Pagans, other religious groups, and the larger community; maintaining a list of licensed Pagan clergy; coordinating training programs, formal and informal, for clergy to improve their skills; and other projects, as needs are perceived and energy made available to meet those needs which are compatible with the above-stated purposes, and which promote the above stated mission of Maine Pagan Clergy Association.
- The MPCA shall be governed by a Board of Directors of not more than 13 and not less than 3, with board members filling the offices of President, Secretary/Licensure Coordinator, and Treasurer. Procedures for appointing (and, if necessary, removing) board members shall be set forth in the Bylaws.
- MPCA membership, meetings, and projects shall be open to any individual identifying themselves as acting in a Pagan clergy role with a ministry in Maine, specifically including border residents and part-time residents of the state. This may include offering public ritual, group leadership, chaplaincy, training, writing, music or other ministries.
- Clergy licensure is an optional certification, and is not required for membership in the MPCA. Licensure is offered as a public service to the Pagan community. Criteria for MPCA clergy licensure shall be established separately by the Board of Directors.
- The Board shall be empowered to establish both standing and ad-hoc committees to work on projects under the MPCA name. The chair of any standing committee (intended to operate for one year or more) shall be a member of the board.
- While the MPCA is not a ritual group, its meetings take place within Sacred Space. To facilitate problem-solving and encourage honest communication, those within the Sacred Space are asked to commit to keep private any personal or group information revealed therein. No such expectation of confidentiality may be expected on MPCA e-mail forums, and participants are urged to exercise reasonable care.
- This Statement of Purpose is not valid until approved by the Board of Directors. It may be amended by the Board of Directors according to the bylaws.
- In accordance with Maine law, it is hereby stated that the Maine Pagan Clergy Association is organized for the public benefit. Should the Board decide to dissolve this organization, any assets belonging to MPCA shall be distributed to Pagan non-profits in Maine or New England, or to an environmental nonprofit organization in Maine, to be chosen by the Board, and no assets of the organization shall be distributed to members.
Please note: The Licensure structure has been revamped to accommodate our new licensing structure. LORC (Licensure, Ordination, and Recognition Committee) has been replaced with a Licensing Coordinator with all applications to be reviewed and voted on by the MPCA Board. Please contact Licensure, and the Licensure Coordinator, via email.