Frequently Asked Questions
See our Frequently-Asked Questions about Licensure before proceeding.
Why Licensure for Pagan Clergy?
This is one of the most common questions we are asked. One answer to this question was articulated in a short article, Why Pagan Clergy?
About the Process
What happens when you apply? First, you’ll answer open-ended questions about your personal beliefs and practices, ethics, and education. In the second section of the application, you’ll describe your service to the community, which could fall under some or all of these categories: leading rites and facilitating sacred connections, providing pastoral care, community outreach, and interfaith work.
That is the broad outline of the core requirements needed in order to license you as Pagan clergy through the MPCA. We understand that every Pagan tradition and individual will approach them in a different way, and each individual will have areas of specialization. During the application process, you’ll be invited to share with us what you have done or are doing to meet these requirements in your own manner.
You’ll also be asked to provide personal references from three community members attesting to your clerical stature and, if appropriate, a statement endorsing your clerical functioning by the group or groups you serve.
Procedure for Requesting MPCA Licensure
To apply for Licensure, you will need to supply:
- a completed application for licensure: MPCA Licensure Application [doc] NOTE: If you need these documents in a different file format, let us know.
- Proof of completion for Mandated Reporter training. Free, online training found here.
- The results of a criminal background check, within the past year prior to application, for the State of Maine. According to the state police, background checks may be obtained from:
State Bureau of Identification
45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1
42 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333 request for a background check must include:
- your full name
- date of birth
- any previous names you have used
- a stamped, return-addressed envelope
- check or money order made out to “Treasurer – State of Maine.” At this writing, the cost is $31.
Please note: a history of criminal activity will not necessarily affect your approval for licensure.
- The following statement, signed and notarized (the original document, not a copy): MPCA Licensure Notarized Statement [doc]
- Personal references from three community members attesting to your clerical stature and, if appropriate, a statement endorsing your clerical functioning by the group or groups you serve
- A check or money order for $25.00, payable to MPCA, for processing
- A signed copy of the MPCA Code of Ethics.
Your completed application form may be sent electronically if you prefer, to The other documents and your payment should be mailed to:
99 Mark P. Emery Rd.
Buxton ME. 04093
MPCA will review your application packet and contact you within 30 days to schedule a personal interview. During the interview, the MPCA Code of Ethics will be discussed and signed in accordance with MPCA standards.
If there are extenuating circumstances that preclude an in-person interview, we can arrange alternatives, such as using Skype or other online conferencing services. To check the status of your application at any time, please contact us at
Please note that you are responsible for providing all the requested information, and that no action will be taken until all the documents are received.
Annual Fee to Maintain Licensure
Annual fee to maintain licensure is $20.00, for a three year License. MPCA is open to barter for necessary services in exchange for the annual licensing fee. Check or Money Order can be mailed to the above address. All fees will be due at the November Annual meeting. You will receive adequate notice of dues via email or via the phone.